Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving Reflection

Hello All!!!!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Thanksgiving.  I wanted to do a quick holiday post.  This has been the best day - I'm having thankgiving with mom this year (just me and mom) and at 3:30pm I'm in yoga pants and my pajama top.  We prepared a meal this morning fit for the royal family - turkey, dressing, all the fixings and moms fabulous butter cake with coca cola icing.  We did everything while watching the Macys Day Parade...

I made my cranberry relish...loosely following Emeril's Cranberry Sauce.  I use 1/2 cup sugar, the juice and zest from 1 orange, and 2 cups of cranberries - heat on the stove until it becomes thick.

So just to put it out there publically the top five things that I'm thankful for:

1.  My Savior who paid the debt of my sin so that I can be forgiven and live eternally.
2.  My freedom and the soldiers, past and present, who have dedicated their lives so that the rest of us can have that freedom. 
3.  My fiance, I prayed for him and I'm so thankful God brought us together, twice :-)  I've always thought it was corny when couples called a spouse their other half, but I get it now.  I'm not quite whole without him.
4.  My family but most of all my mom whose love and support made me into the woman I am.  I love that my mom will make me chocolate cake even though she really doesn't eat it and has devoted hours to helping me with wedding planning.  God didn't just give me a mom, he gave me a best friend.
5.  My fur babies!  Lilly has travelled from town to town with me during college, my internship, my first job, my second job, and my new relocation.  I would have been so lonely without her.  Since R and I have been together Baby has become more than my "step-dog" she is my sweet girl who is as dedicated and attached to me as she is to R.  A home isn't quite a home without a pet...then our household is twice as blessed to have 2.

Have a safe weekend while out shopping and attending holiday gatherings.  I'll be out at midnight tonight trying to stay warm and save some money during the Black Friday Sales!

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