Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Greek is Greek....I'm a KD!

I wanted to link up with Carolina Fireflies today to share my Greek experience.  

Photos from back in the day...
Bid Day

Shooting Pool with Starr on Spring Break.

Preference Social.

Sisterhood Scavenger Hunt.

Bounce-a-thon for Prevent Child Abuse America.

My 21st Birthday Party.

Getting ready for Rush.

Christmas Break Party.

I'm a Kappa Delta, Gamma Sigma chapter from East Carolina and I rushed in fall 2002.  Woo - a long time ago now.

I have many friends from my time in the sorority but these ladies became my family.
Clearly I'm on top of this family tree.  My little sister, Courtney, affectionately known as "lil" even to this day is the blonde pictured on my left.  Beside her on my right is my best friend and MOH at my wedding, Katie.  Katie isn't technically my "little" but her "big" dropped out of the sorority so I claimed her.  And the bottom of our diamond is Katie's little sister Starr.  I don't have a single "great" memory of college without at least one of these three girls.  Our chats have changed in the past few years from parties, vacations, and dates to  engagements, work, marriage, and children.  I'm lucky that Katie lives close by but Starr and Courtney have moved out of North Carolina and seeing them is a real treat.  I would have never met them if I hadn't pledged.  College would not have been the same but my life since would have been less fulfilling as well.  There have been many friendships since graduation but no one yet has even come close.



  1. Love this! I love hearing about other girls' sorority experience! I was an AST at Longwood :)

    1. I thought this was such a fun idea for a link up. I never get to talk about my sorority shenanigans. Our sorority was formed at Longwood - I think there are several sorority's alpha chapters there.

  2. OMG I miss Scavenger Hunts! They were the MOST fun!

    1. We came in close to last on this hunt but we had so much fun - 5 girls piled in one Corolla coming up with the most creative guesses. Those photos are priceless.

  3. Glad that you linked up and found some sisters that are bloggers! I know that we enjoyed hosting this one and meeting all of you! Have a great day!

    1. This link up was a great idea, I've enjoyed reading a few new blogs!

  4. Love this! finding so many new blogs to read from this link up!

    1. Thanks for stopping by mine! I think it was a great idea too and I'm so glad I found Carolina Fireflies just days before the link-up. I would have never known about it otherwise.
