Friday, January 24, 2014

Five On Friday

It's time again to share five new things going on in this girl's life.

1. Well this happened... 
 And we got two extra hours of sleep the next morning because of it.  I hate snow but I love snow days and two hour delays :-)

2. My mother in law gifted this goody in my Christmas stocking and it has been a delicious treat.  I don't have it often but when I do I never regret it.  It's a two step process with a packet (I'm assuming it's milk powder?) that goes in the mug before you run the k-cup in your Keurig.  It's an indulgence for sure and it tastes like I paid a penny for it at a coffee shop.
3. Organization!  This week I went through the master and guest bathroom cabinets and the linen closet.  This weekend we will tackle our closets and the laundry room.  I'm slowly collecting containers, baskets, and drawer dividers to help make our lives easier.  Drawer dividers = awesome...our bathroom drawers no longer look like the black hole where items stay lost forever. Oh, and we found our lint roller!

4. I purchased Gone Girl for my Kindle this week and it's fantastic already.  I could easily finish it this weekend but I've had a slight set back with my dry eyes (fun) and I've not been able to stare at a screen without squinting.  I'm wearing sunglasses as I type this blog post, in my living room...not kidding.  Back to the book, I'd recommend it for sure AND it's going to be a movie this year.  I hate reading a book after the movie and I don't want the end ruined for me.
 5.  My favorite childhood book is going to be on the big screen this year.  I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing but it is a thing worth sharing, or giving, pun intended.  Taylor Swift is in this movie, I'm a Swift fan and I think she is beautiful but her acting was a bit off in Valentines Day.  I am over the moon about Meryl Streep and Jeff Bridges in the can't be bad.  Right? right?!
This was the one book I always hoped they wouldn't make a movie on.  I'm not going to boycott though, I will have the best seat in the theater.

April, Darci, Christina, and Natasha want to know your five.


  1. I am really hoping our snow in DC melts soon!!

    Stopping by from the link-up. Happy Friday!
    Forever Young

    1. Thanks for the comment, I can't wait to check out your blog.

  2. I didn't know they were making The Giver into a movie. That was my favorite book as a kid too! I wonder how that will translate to screen...I can't imagine. Have a great weekend! Visiting from the linkup :)

    1. All I have heard is that it's going to be in black and white...I suppose it would have to be. I know the main characters obviously much older than 12. Thanks for popping by!

  3. Visiting from the link up. Hooray for snow days and yummy drinks :) Have a fab week ahead!!
