Saturday, February 28, 2015
Bumpdate: Week 35
**Update from last week's story. I went to the doctor on Wednesday (my Tuesday appointment was rescheduled due to snow) and I was cleared for work...Yay! I have modified restrictions, no bending, lifting, twisting, etc but my job is not labor intensive so none of these are a problem. I'm hoping to work as much as possible this month to get things ready for my temporary while I'm on leave. The doctor couldn't narrow down what caused the bleeding from last Saturday but they think I may have had a partial abruption so for now we just have to wait and see and I've been instructed to call immediately if I see any more spotting.
Size of the baby: Large cantaloupe, about 5.5 lbs
Total weight gain: 26 pounds
Maternity clothes: Every. Single. Day.
Gender: Our daughter and I never get tired of saying it.
Nursery: It's basically done, we still have to order the bookcase. My MIL bought the baskets for it so I can go ahead and organize. I still have one more shower this weekend so I may have to do a bit of rearranging depending on what goodies we receive.
Sleep: I love to sleep! My third trimester anxiety is worse at night and my mind races with fears, to do lists, and nervousness. I pray and God quiets my mind enough to sleep but it takes a while.
What I miss: Being able to comfortable breathe and getting off the sofa without assistance. I missed working this week too. Three days on bed rest made me stir crazy.
Cravings: Chocolate milk! Cinnamon gum! And one random craving for chicken wings in hot sauce. Oh and give me all the tater tots!
Other symptoms: Reflux, surprise surprise. I have to take it easy these days. I'm short of breath often and I'm having some lower back pain. Luckily no terrible symptoms though, no nausea, no linea nigra, no stretch marks so far, no swelling, no extreme cramping or pain. I do get Braxton Hicks and they are really annoying but pass fairly quickly. My poor belly button is hanging in there, it's almost flat and shocks me when I look in a mirror.
Best moments: Organizing for our nugget! We made room for her bottles in our kitchen cabinet and room for her bath supplies in our guest bathroom. It's amazing to see baby items popping up in all the rooms of our home. One day it will be commonplace but for now it's new and exciting. Oh and the diaper bag is packed. Our hospital bags are packed. The stroller and the car seat are in the car. My breast pump is ordered. And we met with the pediatrician on Monday. Check, check and check! I can't stop thinking about that sweet baby in the ultrasound last weekend, happily moving around despite the fact that I was laying in a triage bed scared to death that something might happen to her. I can't wait for her to make an appearance but she needs to bake just a bit longer.
Friday, February 27, 2015
Five on Friday
Favorite Maternity Basics by carolinabelle84 on Polyvore
So today's five on Friday is going to be a bit different. I wanted to share my favorite maternity basics. I really didn't want to have an extensive maternity wardrobe because it's a hefty investment for a few months of wear. My biggest suggestion is don't buy everything at once, the pants that are a comfy fit at 5 months might not be so comfy at month 8. The second suggestion is limit your color palette. Sure it's fun to have a wardrobe full of variety but it's way easier to have a few pops of color that can mix and match instead of having to make individual outfits. Being pregnant in the Winter is great because I can use scarves and chunky jewelry for color. Here are my top picks, straight from my closet:
So today's five on Friday is going to be a bit different. I wanted to share my favorite maternity basics. I really didn't want to have an extensive maternity wardrobe because it's a hefty investment for a few months of wear. My biggest suggestion is don't buy everything at once, the pants that are a comfy fit at 5 months might not be so comfy at month 8. The second suggestion is limit your color palette. Sure it's fun to have a wardrobe full of variety but it's way easier to have a few pops of color that can mix and match instead of having to make individual outfits. Being pregnant in the Winter is great because I can use scarves and chunky jewelry for color. Here are my top picks, straight from my closet:
Ivory Pintuck Maternity Blouse
$76 - seraphine.com
You need a pair of well fitting jeans. I have two pairs of demi panel jeans (one boyfriend and one skinny leg) from Gap Maternity and they are awesome. However, demi panel isn't as comfortable since my third trimester so for longevity I suggest these Indigo Blue from Motherhood. The price is great, the fit is very comfortable for advanced pregnancy, and they are stylish.
I can not stress this enough. Liz Lange tank tops from Target! I plan to wear them even when I'm not pregnant, by far the best tank I've ever bought. They don't ride up, and they completely cover my bra. I love them so much I have five of them and wear one every single day. I like to wear my belly support band over my tank and under my blouse for extra comfort.
Liz Lange leggings - I have the basic and the ponte knit, both are worth their weight in gold. For a small price I have some nice opaque leggings that go with everything. They also allow me to wear my leg warmers and boots for extra warmth on chilly days. I'm tempted to wear these when I'm not pregnant too, they don't have a panel and are nice quality - no one would be able to tell they were maternity and they don't create the dreaded muffin top.
The most beautiful tops I have are from Seraphine from A Pea in the Pod. I didn't pay full price though, Destination Maternity has sales often and I have been lucky to grab some at reduced cost. I have several in different colors and they add some variety and "pretty" to my closet. I think they are perfect for work and can easily be dressed up for evening.
Gap Maternity Modern Slacks are the best pants for work. They wash really well and are perfect for wearing long hours at the office. Not all pants have a comfortable belly panel that doesn't budge throughout the day and these maintain their shape and don't stretch as the day goes on.
Thanks for stopping by! The weekly link up is brought to you from these gals:
$76 - seraphine.com
You need a pair of well fitting jeans. I have two pairs of demi panel jeans (one boyfriend and one skinny leg) from Gap Maternity and they are awesome. However, demi panel isn't as comfortable since my third trimester so for longevity I suggest these Indigo Blue from Motherhood. The price is great, the fit is very comfortable for advanced pregnancy, and they are stylish.
I can not stress this enough. Liz Lange tank tops from Target! I plan to wear them even when I'm not pregnant, by far the best tank I've ever bought. They don't ride up, and they completely cover my bra. I love them so much I have five of them and wear one every single day. I like to wear my belly support band over my tank and under my blouse for extra comfort.
Liz Lange leggings - I have the basic and the ponte knit, both are worth their weight in gold. For a small price I have some nice opaque leggings that go with everything. They also allow me to wear my leg warmers and boots for extra warmth on chilly days. I'm tempted to wear these when I'm not pregnant too, they don't have a panel and are nice quality - no one would be able to tell they were maternity and they don't create the dreaded muffin top.
The most beautiful tops I have are from Seraphine from A Pea in the Pod. I didn't pay full price though, Destination Maternity has sales often and I have been lucky to grab some at reduced cost. I have several in different colors and they add some variety and "pretty" to my closet. I think they are perfect for work and can easily be dressed up for evening.
Gap Maternity Modern Slacks are the best pants for work. They wash really well and are perfect for wearing long hours at the office. Not all pants have a comfortable belly panel that doesn't budge throughout the day and these maintain their shape and don't stretch as the day goes on.
Thanks for stopping by! The weekly link up is brought to you from these gals:
Monday, February 23, 2015
All our bags are packed and we're ready to go...
The infamous What's in my Hospital Bag post. Doesn't everyone do one of these! I read dozens and dozens of blogs and Pinterest lists to decide what I needed, what made common sense to pack, and what we should leave at home. I did more research on this one topic than I did my entire junior year of college. It's been a while since I've had a hospital stay, and in past experience I never knew I was going to need to stay the night in the hospital so it was a quick phone call to mom with a list of what to bring. But in this case I have some time to prepare for the inevitable and after our little "scare", I didn't want to put it off any longer!
So here they are:
This is our labor and delivery bag with a document folder and toiletry bag (both fit nicely inside the bag).
In our childbirth class we were highly encouraged to pack two bags so the black bag on the left is the one we need right away and the one on the right is the one we will need once we get into our recovery room. The little yellow chevron bag has baby items that are so small I'm scared they'll get lost, there is plenty of space in the duffle bag for it but I took it out for the photo.
But what's inside?
For L&D:
Documents: Book from childbirth class and paperwork for birth certificate. My ID and insurance card easily accessible inside my purse.
For Recovery:
Last Minute Items: Camera, ipad with charger, phone charger, makeup bag, hairbrush and comb, face soap for both of us, toothbrushes, my glasses, curling iron (just in case)
Maybe: Our own blanket and pillows in colorful cases. We may or may not bring these but just in case I have two pillows dressed in dark gray pillowcases ready to go. I usually bring my pillow anytime I sleep away from home.
So here they are:
This is our labor and delivery bag with a document folder and toiletry bag (both fit nicely inside the bag).
In our childbirth class we were highly encouraged to pack two bags so the black bag on the left is the one we need right away and the one on the right is the one we will need once we get into our recovery room. The little yellow chevron bag has baby items that are so small I'm scared they'll get lost, there is plenty of space in the duffle bag for it but I took it out for the photo.
But what's inside?
For L&D:
- Mama - dark robe, slippers, fuzzy gripper socks, earbuds, hair ties and chapstick (in my purse)
- Daddy - slippers, pajama pants and t-shirt
- Snacks - gum, protein bars, lollipops, water, and coins/dollar bills for the vending machine
- Toiletries - dry shampoo, 1 set of nursing pads (just in case), mini shampoo and conditioner, deodorant, body soap, face wipes, toothpaste, and contacts. We have several items that need to be added last minute.
- Suggestions from childbirth class - a tube sock tied off with two tennis balls inside and a tube sock tied off filled with rice. It was also suggested to bring an empty bag for any leftover goodies in our room. We packed all three.
Documents: Book from childbirth class and paperwork for birth certificate. My ID and insurance card easily accessible inside my purse.
For Recovery:
- Mama - 1 set of pajamas, lanolin, 2 pairs gel pads, 4 pairs undies, 2 nursing tanks, 2 pairs of lounge pants, maxi dress and sweater for the ride home
- Daddy - sleep mask, jeans and t-shirt for the ride home, long sleeve athletic shirt, 2 pairs of socks, 3 pairs undies, and ball cap
- Baby Girl - baby book for footprints, nail file, 1 blanket, 1 swaddle, 1 sleepsack, burp cloth, hair comb, pacifier, 2 pairs booties, 2 pairs mittens, 3 hats (because I can't decide), going home outfit, 2 footed sleepers (just in case), and a carseat of course. All of the items except the blankets are packed in the separate yellow bag.
Last Minute Items: Camera, ipad with charger, phone charger, makeup bag, hairbrush and comb, face soap for both of us, toothbrushes, my glasses, curling iron (just in case)
Maybe: Our own blanket and pillows in colorful cases. We may or may not bring these but just in case I have two pillows dressed in dark gray pillowcases ready to go. I usually bring my pillow anytime I sleep away from home.
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Bumpdate: Week 34
I'm starting today's post a bit different, at 34w6d (yesterday actually) I started bleeding. I have never been so scared in my life. I couldn't think clearly. My husband called my doctor's on-call line and one of the OBs met us at the L&D triage for a prenatal checkup. After two cervical checks, an ultrasound, and 5 hours on monitors we were able to leave the hospital with orders for bed rest until I can be seen in the office on Monday or Tuesday. We are fortunate that the really dangerous stuff was ruled out - I hadn't experienced any physical trauma, I'm not dilated (but I am 50% effaced), and I wasn't in any pain. The most important thing - the baby was in no distress at all, she was a little ham actually showing off just how much she could move for the monitor. The doctor said she couldn't rule out an abruption but it didn't appear to be. I have to call first thing tomorrow to get an office appointment.
This scare has me thinking about this baby in an entirely different way and we are getting ready for her as if she can come any day. R installed the car seat bases in both vehicles and we are getting a key made for the neighbor on Monday so our fur kids will be taken care of at a moment's notice. Our "go" bags are mostly packed and I made a list of all last minute items that we need to grab - we are not playing around with our honey do lists anymore.
And back to the regularly scheduled bumpdate:
Size of baby - a pineapple, approx 5#
Total weight gain: 25#, probably from too much ice cream
Maternity clothes: Over it. I bought two nursing tanks this week to bring to the hospital and I'm looking forward to a wardrobe change.
Gender: Our little love is a girl and she has a new nickname...Bunny! Because she loves to thump, thump, thump my rib cage.
Nursery: 95% done! We need a bookcase and it is finished! Want proof?
BOOM! More photos to come.
Sleep: Some late nights and a lot of third trimester worrying. And a lot of scary dreams, anything from running out of diapers to forgetting my baby in a public place.
What I miss: Nothing really. I went to a lingerie shower this week and rum punch sounded delicious but I was satisfied with a virgin version.
Cravings: Cinnamon gum for sure. Ice cream and chocolate milk have been favorites this week. No nagging cravings. After 5 hours with no food in triage I attacked some chicken salad with crackers though, you would have thought I hadn't eaten in days.
Other symptoms: Fatigue, round ligament pain and shortness of breath. I'm practically panting when I have to talk for several minutes. I also couldn't stand for any rounds this week because I felt like my blood pressure was dropping and had some dizziness. The RN checked my blood pressure a few times at work and it was normal. I asked my OB about it at my appointment on Thursday and she said it was common for a women in late pregnancy to have feelings of oxygen deprivation even though there isn't anything physical wrong. She told me I only needed to worry if the feeling was accompanied by chest pain or swelling.
Best Moments: Hearing my baby's heartbeat after our little "scare". Best. Moment. Ever. All was well at our regular OB appointment, my uterus is measuring correctly, baby's heart rate is normal, and I was able to submit my script to insurance for my breast pump. We got our disk from our photo shoot this week and I'm thrilled with the pictures. Yessir we've already booked our photographer for a newborn session.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
I'm so excited to share our maternity photos and when I get the disk I plan to do a picture heavy post.
We had asnow ice day and neither of us were at work. We won't be so lucky tomorrow AND I have to get in touch with the hospital tomorrow to see if they are still having the breast feeding class I signed up for in my first trimester. I'm really hoping it has been rescheduled since the weather may be bad again tomorrow afternoon.
Snowy, icy, sleet-y weather is really bad for me since I didn't splurge on a real "Winter" wardrobe. R has been on dog walking duty.
My baby loves to be read to, she doesn't move for the whole story and as soon as I stop talking she starts rolling round in protest.
Oh the baby....she's getting big and it seems that she is getting upset that she is running out of space.
Her room is 90% done, there are a few small projects and finishing touches left on the list.
I have insomnia, this is new. I don't always nap in the afternoon but I could take one if I stayed on the couch long enough. This means that I can be very productive but it's often late at night or extremely non productive.
Our new parent pediatrician class was rescheduled for next week due to the weather.
I have been drinking chocolate milk like it's my job.
We finally finished our shower thank you notes. Between exhaustion and the push to finish her room, that chore was moved to a lower priority and I feel bad about it but I'm so glad it's done now.
I'm having fuzzy brain like whoa. Call it what you want but I don't always think clearly and sometimes I just forget what I'm doing or what I'm saying in the middle of it. I have a really hard time staying focused. From what I've read this is normal but it feels very foreign to me.
I'm out for now.
We had a
Snowy, icy, sleet-y weather is really bad for me since I didn't splurge on a real "Winter" wardrobe. R has been on dog walking duty.
My baby loves to be read to, she doesn't move for the whole story and as soon as I stop talking she starts rolling round in protest.
Oh the baby....she's getting big and it seems that she is getting upset that she is running out of space.
Her room is 90% done, there are a few small projects and finishing touches left on the list.
I have insomnia, this is new. I don't always nap in the afternoon but I could take one if I stayed on the couch long enough. This means that I can be very productive but it's often late at night or extremely non productive.
Our new parent pediatrician class was rescheduled for next week due to the weather.
I have been drinking chocolate milk like it's my job.
We finally finished our shower thank you notes. Between exhaustion and the push to finish her room, that chore was moved to a lower priority and I feel bad about it but I'm so glad it's done now.
I'm having fuzzy brain like whoa. Call it what you want but I don't always think clearly and sometimes I just forget what I'm doing or what I'm saying in the middle of it. I have a really hard time staying focused. From what I've read this is normal but it feels very foreign to me.
I'm out for now.
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Bumpdate: Week 33
Size of the baby: A honeydew melon, about 4.5 pounds
Total weight gain: 24 pounds, on track with the doctor's goal
Maternity clothes: It's getting old. I miss having options and it's challenging to layer on the chilly days.
Gender: A little belle.
Nursery: So much is different, we may be able to share pictures soon. R has almost finished the furniture, they need one last coat of poly and he is finished! We are finally able get things in drawers instead of laying about the room. R's mom is coming on today to finish the accent wall and then we can get the misc. painting items and tools out of the room. Oh and I did a ton of wash this week - blankets, binkies, socks, hats, and her newborn layette along with her bedding and curtains. I ironed her bedding, did you hear me people...I IRONED. I hate to iron but clearly my daughter is worth it.
Sleep: Yes, please. I only have two comfortable sleeping positions but if I can get comfortable then I'm out like a light.
What I miss: Just like last week, my energy level varies. I'm a busy bee some afternoons and exhausted on others. It would be nice to get up off the couch, floor, bed, etc without moaning and groaning.
Cravings: I'm a simple girl, orange juice, cold cereal, and cinnamon gum. I also had a strong, STRONG craving for a DQ blizzard - heath bar of all things and I'm not a giant fan of toffee.
Other Symptoms: I feel heavy, it's hard to get up and down and sometimes I get short of breath. Oh and I'm still getting foot and leg cramps a few times a week. I'm having more and more vivid dreams - one included being told my little girl is actually a boy. Also a strong nesting instinct to just "get it done" - deep cleaning, organizing, and preparing this nursery for a baby.
Best Moments: This week I did a ton of breast pump research and visited with some potential day cares. But by far the best moment was our maternity photo shoot on Valentine's Day. It was the perfect way to wrap up our 33rd week and I'm thrilled with the sneak peek that our photographer posted last night.
Speaking of Valentine's - we celebrated by working on the nursery, taking our photos, and having a delicious steak and shortcake dinner. It was very low key and the perfect way to celebrate our last "holiday" before the baby arrives.
When this posts I'll be starting my 34th week....we are getting close to the end!
Saturday, February 14, 2015
When Hallmark comes out with a better card, then I'll buy it...
My Valentine.
To recap the story of us:
Girl walks into a bar and meets a boy.
A few dates later and the two walk away as friends.
7 years later...
Girl walks into a bar and runs into an old friend.
They date, get engaged, get married and then...
the best is yet to come.
So I've been meaning to do a post like this since I found out we were expecting. So much of this blog lately has been about me and baby girl but the truth is, this pregnancy has brought R and I so much closer. He has been a fantastic support throughout this time and I can't imagine going on this journey with anyone else. A few of the things I appreciate most:
- Foot, back, leg, etc massages...sometimes I just hurt and sometimes I cramp and he's on it.
- He takes charge of afternoon chores, especially when I'm tired or when I have a headache.
- He has been tolerant of every craving and every food aversion, this was most difficult in my first trimester when I couldn't look at certain foods. He ate all the leftovers because I couldn't stand them.
- He paints my toes.
- When I have to make midnight potty runs and my hands are numb, he will wake up to help me out of bed.
- In the first trimester when I was sleeping All The Time, he woke me up to eat dinner every night.
- He has nearly completed the long, LONG "honey do list" for the nursery - including painting walls, refinishing furniture, organizing, and helping to assemble whatever baby item I've brought home.
- He helped me plan the gender reveal - he just loved helped me make pom poms and enjoyed hanging them even more.
- Every bump date photo is courtesy of his photo skills.
- He has scrubbed, cleaned, washed, shampooed, dusted - whatever to this house and has not complained.
- We have groceries in this house 60% of the time because he did the shopping. I'm helping much more now but the first few months he did all of it because I couldn't be near a grocery store.
- He buys me cinnamon gum, just because.
- He has made a lot of the meals since I've been pregnant, sometimes he needs suggestions and directions but he does the work. Especially the first few months.
- He hates to read but he has read product reviews, parenting articles, and baby books.
- He is a willing partner for all the baby classes and doctors appointments. He hasn't been able to join me on the daycare visits but when I narrow it down he will be able to check them out.
He's a good man and I'm glad that he's mine. I think he'll be a wonderful dad and I can't wait to see him in action!
Love you Hamp!
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Bumpdate: Week 32
Size of the baby: A head of lettuce, she should be close to 4 pounds
Total weight gain: 23 pounds total
Maternity clothes: I'm rocking them. I mostly wear pajamas at home though, I can't wait to get out of my full panel slacks at the end of the day.
Gender: All bows...
Nursery: We are getting the last piece of non-nursery furniture out this week. It's cumbersome and we had to find a new place for it. R hopes to get the nightstand and dresser refinished this week, we picked up the paint and new knobs for both pieces. I still have a lot to do for organization - she needs a place for bath supplies, medication, and feeding supplies but none of that will be kept in the nursery.
Sleep: Anytime. Anywhere.
What I miss: Energy, normal movements are more exhausting now.
Cravings: Oranges still. Cinnamon gum. Rice Krispie treats - my husband made me some extra large, extra marshmallow-y ones.
Other symptoms: Well the reglan is working for my heartburn but it's giving me some other odd stomach issues. I'm sleepy most days by 4-5pm but I'm also highly motivated to get things done. I'm getting the typical third trimester anxiety and my nesting instinct is early. Oh, and in the past two weeks I've been having more leg pain and leg cramps, not fun.
Best moments: Slowly making progress on home organization 2015. We are working double time to get ready for our girl's homecoming. Oh and we had our birthing class this week hosted by the hospital where we are giving birth. Money well spent in my opinion, we learned a lot of about the stages of labor, birthing positions, pain management, newborn care, and postpartum care. The class is taught by a doula and we learned so much, especially R since he will be my coach and main support person. She had a ton of professional tips and gave us some additional resources. It was so much better than reading it in a book and we left a lot more informed.
Saturday, February 7, 2015
Wild Saturday Night...
My Saturday night "crafting" for the baby room - size dividers for little girl's closet. We spent our whole day in birthing class and I needed something that didn't require much thought. The idea is certainly not original, instructions via Pinterest. My husband is the DIY king but at least I can add a little pizzazz to help make her closet pretty.
Friday, February 6, 2015
Five on Friday: All you need is love...
I wanted to do a love edition for my five on Friday share. I love many things. I love many people. I love to love. For this post I'm going to share what I'm loving right now, more of a current favorites.
1. Preparing for this nugget. I mean, look at that squishy face!
The nursery is coming along, it's not as far along as I'd hoped at this point but if we buckle down we can have it done before the end of the month. That's our goal, we would like to be finished by March. I've also made a list of necessities, not just for our little girl in her first few weeks to get us started but also a list of things I will need postpartum. Our plan is to start chipping away at the list for the next two months.
2. Our Maternity Photos
This is happening! And it's happening next weekend, on Valentines Day! I have our outfits selected and some props planned. I'm hoping the photographer will have some ideas as well, we don't do well with "posed" photos - too awkward so I'm hoping she can work with that. I've never used this photographer before so I'm a little timid but I've seen her work and her photos are really nice, very natural which is what we want. If we like the photos then we plan to book her for the newborn shoot as well.
3. Him <3 p="">
We've been married for nearly two years and he still makes me swoon.
4. Spring Cleaning.
We are getting it done early and thank goodness. I'm having severe nesting urges and somehow it's embedded in my head that I must clean every nook and cranny and organize every drawer and cabinet before I present a life to this world. Not just at home, oh no. I've extended it to my office(s) at work. I wish I'd had this urge before I put on third trimester baby weight and before I was dog tired before 8pm every night. It feels so good to finish a task or a room though - like I've really accomplished something. This baby is going to take over when she comes home, I know there will be baby items everywhere and I'm trying to find some space for it....she needs kitchen space, she needs some space for medicine, she needs space in the laundry room and of course we have to rearrange our bedroom so we can find a place to keep her bassinet. This might be the last time I ever see our house this clean and arranged in a way that is "kid free".
5. My breast pump!
Want to know what I'm most excited for this week? Since I'm 8 weeks out from my due date I can finally get my breast pump ordered! I'm so excited, insurance is giving me a small chunk of change toward any pump the medical supply shop carries. I'm leaning toward the Pump in Style Advanced (I need the case and the cooler since I'm returning to work) but I also like the look of the Ameda Purely Yours. We used the Ameda years ago when I interned for WIC so I'm more familiar with it but the Medela seems super popular with ladies who work full time. Both have pros and cons and both are well reviewed. I have a big decision to make in the next few days but I'm thrilled that my insurance is going to help with cost. Especially since I'll have to order an extra supply kit, milk storage, bottles and cleaning supplies for it. My goal is to get it ordered by Wednesday. I'm going to try and nurse as long as possible and that means starting early to build up my supply. For years I've encouraged breast feeding and I've helped teach classes on it in the past. I'd feel like a hypocrite if I didn't make the effort for my own baby. I will give myself some grace if for reason it doesn't work out for me but it won't be for lack of effort. I'm lucky that I have a supportive husband at home and a good set-up at work for pumping. My supervisor is aware of my choice and is on board as well, it helps to have a nurse for a boss.
Oh and I love link-ups. Especially linkups hosted by such lovely ladies.
1. Preparing for this nugget. I mean, look at that squishy face!
The nursery is coming along, it's not as far along as I'd hoped at this point but if we buckle down we can have it done before the end of the month. That's our goal, we would like to be finished by March. I've also made a list of necessities, not just for our little girl in her first few weeks to get us started but also a list of things I will need postpartum. Our plan is to start chipping away at the list for the next two months.
2. Our Maternity Photos
image via Pinterest
3. Him <3 p="">
We've been married for nearly two years and he still makes me swoon.
4. Spring Cleaning.
image via Pinterest
5. My breast pump!
Want to know what I'm most excited for this week? Since I'm 8 weeks out from my due date I can finally get my breast pump ordered! I'm so excited, insurance is giving me a small chunk of change toward any pump the medical supply shop carries. I'm leaning toward the Pump in Style Advanced (I need the case and the cooler since I'm returning to work) but I also like the look of the Ameda Purely Yours. We used the Ameda years ago when I interned for WIC so I'm more familiar with it but the Medela seems super popular with ladies who work full time. Both have pros and cons and both are well reviewed. I have a big decision to make in the next few days but I'm thrilled that my insurance is going to help with cost. Especially since I'll have to order an extra supply kit, milk storage, bottles and cleaning supplies for it. My goal is to get it ordered by Wednesday. I'm going to try and nurse as long as possible and that means starting early to build up my supply. For years I've encouraged breast feeding and I've helped teach classes on it in the past. I'd feel like a hypocrite if I didn't make the effort for my own baby. I will give myself some grace if for reason it doesn't work out for me but it won't be for lack of effort. I'm lucky that I have a supportive husband at home and a good set-up at work for pumping. My supervisor is aware of my choice and is on board as well, it helps to have a nurse for a boss.
Oh and I love link-ups. Especially linkups hosted by such lovely ladies.
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Review: The Ultimate Support Belt
I promised a review of The Ultimate Maternity Belt and here it is...best $30 I've spent. It's a God-send! First of all it takes the weight of my baby and helps me carry it in my back instead of tugging on my abdominal muscles. It also helps with round ligament pain. This is perfect for days when I'm standing and moving a lot at work. I also put it on when I'm doing household chores that require a lot of movement. I'm carrying low and it's nice to have some of the pressure off my lower belly. It takes a little practice putting it on, the main part of the belt connects just under the bump and has two smaller belts on the sides. It's important that you don't have it too low or all the tension will be on your bladder. The thicker belt pulls around and connects (based on how tight you want it) to comfortably pull the belly back and another pulls down and connects (based on your comfort level) to gently lift the belly up so your back supports the weight. You are wearing it correctly if it looks like belly bondage via Christian Grey.
The downside, the belt puts more pressure on your bladder making it feel like you need to potty more frequently. It's not terrible comfortable if you are doing a lot of sitting. If you are up and down the way I am during the day it's fine but I take it off if I'm sitting for long periods. It's a total pain to take off and put back on when you have to use the bathroom, but it's a minor concern giving the amount of relief get by wearing it. I personally can't wear it right next to my skin, shockingly it is easy to hide underneath my clothes though. I normally wear a Liz Lange tank under my clothes most days anyway, so I put mine on over my tank and under whatever shirt I plan to wear that day. The velcro pieces are a little lumpy under my tighter fitting tops which I think some people might find off putting. Personally I don't care, but I also have a job where I can throw on a lab coat to hide any lumps or bumps if I feel self-conscious - a loose fitting cardigan would work the same wonder.
I bought mine at Destination Maternity, there are so many styles for support belts and this was the simplest and least expensive to try. I'm so glad I got one and I'd advise anyone who spends a good amount of time on their feet to get one at the start of their third trimester. The store has several open that you can try on while there and an associate can help you if you have concerns with fit.
The downside, the belt puts more pressure on your bladder making it feel like you need to potty more frequently. It's not terrible comfortable if you are doing a lot of sitting. If you are up and down the way I am during the day it's fine but I take it off if I'm sitting for long periods. It's a total pain to take off and put back on when you have to use the bathroom, but it's a minor concern giving the amount of relief get by wearing it. I personally can't wear it right next to my skin, shockingly it is easy to hide underneath my clothes though. I normally wear a Liz Lange tank under my clothes most days anyway, so I put mine on over my tank and under whatever shirt I plan to wear that day. The velcro pieces are a little lumpy under my tighter fitting tops which I think some people might find off putting. Personally I don't care, but I also have a job where I can throw on a lab coat to hide any lumps or bumps if I feel self-conscious - a loose fitting cardigan would work the same wonder.
I bought mine at Destination Maternity, there are so many styles for support belts and this was the simplest and least expensive to try. I'm so glad I got one and I'd advise anyone who spends a good amount of time on their feet to get one at the start of their third trimester. The store has several open that you can try on while there and an associate can help you if you have concerns with fit.
Monday, February 2, 2015
Our Baby Shower...
My baby shower was on the afternoon of January 31...and we were blessed with perfect sunny weather to celebrate my baby girl. My best friend Katie and her mom put in the hours and labor to host the event. I took photos early in the evening before the rest of the guests arrived so all the goodies aren't present but here was the general set up.
Look at her gorgeous new light fixture!
She had a drink station set up in the corner. I wish I had a photo of the delicious pomegranate punch she served! She also had wine and water for everyone.
And an up close photo of the spread. She had deviled eggs and three types of quiche - bacon and swiss, ham and gouda, and broccoli cheddar. She also made yummy single serve containers of fruit salad. Oh and ham biscuits - THE ham biscuits from Lady Fingers. My husband loves them!
Such a pretty centerpiece!
I received several creative gifts but this one was a pinterest-win from my friend Lindsay and her mom. My darling girl now has her first umbrella along with sleepers, washcloths, and burp cloths. Other homemade gifts included a knitted blanket from R's mom and a scrapbook from Katie that I will likely do a separate post on. Both of those gifts took quite a bit of time to finish. I plan to use that knit blanket in the newborn photos.
More gift opening and a great shot of the corsage Katie picked up for me to wear.
We had a surprise gift mailed from Virginia - hence the look on my face. I hate that I don't have a shot of it but it was a beautiful monogrammed pillow and diaper cover.
I love smocked dresses, my mom gave me two Petit Ami outfits that I love. One was a light pink bubble dress and bonnet and the other was a darker pink gingham dress with diaper cover.
I couldn't begin to list all the goodies we received - our bunny's closet is nearly full! And we received all sizes! We got several monogrammed items including a newborn gown that I'm debating on using as our "going home" outfit. Thankfully we got several things we needed - wipes, bottle brushes, swaddle blankets, burp cloths, and clothes hangers. Along with several things we wanted - a piano kick mat, hairbows, books, and several East Carolina items. My friend Starr gifted me with my diaper bag and after seeing it in person I think I made a good choice. I had only seen it online and was a bit scared of the size. My mother in law also gave us a necklace that she can add a pearl to at different points in our girl's life, it belonged to her so it has special value. Our car was very full on the way home and I was so grateful that all these ladies took time out of their schedule to celebrate our girl!
Oh hi there! Yep that's a bit of a bump picture in the mirror. I snapped a photo of the favors that Katie chose for the shower along with a display of the invitation. She picked the OPI nail color in "It's a Girl!" with little baby pram tags. The guests loved them!
The shower ran a bit late and I was exhausted afterwards. R and I put everything away when I got home and now we have to start on our thank you notes - on this week's to do list.
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