I would add "my first PSL of the season" but that ship has sailed for 2015...

Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Monday, September 28, 2015
Preparing for Fall
Because Fall isn't all pumpkin spice latte and Hocus Pocus..the weather is going to get a bit more chilly and it's my first being a Mama. I think we have Halloween checked off for now so I'm looking towards colder temps, getting baby girl on steady solids and the beginning of the holidays! These are some goodies on our list to prepare for the weeks ahead.
1. Beaufort Bonnet in Nantucket Navy, the perfect bonnet to go with her hot pink jacket this Winter. It's been back ordered for ages but I have finally tracked one down locally. It's a splurge for sure but I can count on TBBC to have the cutest of the cute in babywear!
2. I'm torn on mittens. Baby girl always has cold hands and I'm not sure how long she will keep them on but these were well reviewed on Lucie's List as being slip proof.
3. Fleece Zutano Booties, she will be getting a pair of these in the next two weeks, they are perfect for every day and they will keep her toes toasty at daycare.
4. We have an Ergo gifted to us by my sister in law, but it is really uncomfortable to wear with my short torso. I have heard great things about the Tula and I can't wait to make one mine. This will be perfect for being outdoors and snuggling close to keep the baby warm. #wearthebabies
5. I was going to order this dress for Thanksgiving Day, but my mother in law gave Ava a pretty corduroy dress that might be perfect for the occasion. With just the right bow of course. I also need to pick up some tights and bloomers for Fall/Winter now that baby girl wears a size 2.
6. The baby has been eating solids in the evenings and soon we will have to pack food for outings. I'll need to prepare the diaper bag with some essentials. This spoon has been on the wish list for a while and I think it will be great to toss in the bag with a jar if I need to feed on the go.
7. Because every holiday needs a special book. We have purchased a few fall/halloween theme books but not one for Thanksgiving yet. Over the weekend we picked up Max the Brave and Llama Llama Trick or Treat.
8. Ai, again with the feeding. We learned the hard way that cloth wasn't the way to go (but it was all we had)! So we bought some easy to wipe bibs and they have been awesome for purees. I think when we start getting to food with consistency these bibs are the way to go. I've heard nothing but raves about this brand but I know there are similar bibs on the market for a less hefty price tag.
9. Finally sweet girl is teething and I've had my eye on a mint and coral necklace from Minted Lane's etsy shop. I may try a baltic amber necklace if she is really struggling, some of the moms at daycare swear by it, but for now I think I'd just like to have something she can chew on that isn't going to be dropped on the floor.
Fall is our favorite time of year and we can't wait to get started on our bucket list for Ava's first. Comment below if you have any feeding favorites because we are learning this through trial and error.
1. Beaufort Bonnet in Nantucket Navy, the perfect bonnet to go with her hot pink jacket this Winter. It's been back ordered for ages but I have finally tracked one down locally. It's a splurge for sure but I can count on TBBC to have the cutest of the cute in babywear!
2. I'm torn on mittens. Baby girl always has cold hands and I'm not sure how long she will keep them on but these were well reviewed on Lucie's List as being slip proof.
3. Fleece Zutano Booties, she will be getting a pair of these in the next two weeks, they are perfect for every day and they will keep her toes toasty at daycare.
4. We have an Ergo gifted to us by my sister in law, but it is really uncomfortable to wear with my short torso. I have heard great things about the Tula and I can't wait to make one mine. This will be perfect for being outdoors and snuggling close to keep the baby warm. #wearthebabies
5. I was going to order this dress for Thanksgiving Day, but my mother in law gave Ava a pretty corduroy dress that might be perfect for the occasion. With just the right bow of course. I also need to pick up some tights and bloomers for Fall/Winter now that baby girl wears a size 2.
6. The baby has been eating solids in the evenings and soon we will have to pack food for outings. I'll need to prepare the diaper bag with some essentials. This spoon has been on the wish list for a while and I think it will be great to toss in the bag with a jar if I need to feed on the go.
7. Because every holiday needs a special book. We have purchased a few fall/halloween theme books but not one for Thanksgiving yet. Over the weekend we picked up Max the Brave and Llama Llama Trick or Treat.
8. Ai, again with the feeding. We learned the hard way that cloth wasn't the way to go (but it was all we had)! So we bought some easy to wipe bibs and they have been awesome for purees. I think when we start getting to food with consistency these bibs are the way to go. I've heard nothing but raves about this brand but I know there are similar bibs on the market for a less hefty price tag.
9. Finally sweet girl is teething and I've had my eye on a mint and coral necklace from Minted Lane's etsy shop. I may try a baltic amber necklace if she is really struggling, some of the moms at daycare swear by it, but for now I think I'd just like to have something she can chew on that isn't going to be dropped on the floor.
Fall is our favorite time of year and we can't wait to get started on our bucket list for Ava's first. Comment below if you have any feeding favorites because we are learning this through trial and error.
Friday, September 25, 2015
Sweet Dreams ...
This is an update to share that we are sleep training our baby. Ha, or more like she is training us. Our nugget slept so well at 3 and 4 months, then she changed and was waking up every 30/45min at night. She also wakes up screaming if she is alone in her bassinet so every night to keep our sanity she went in the bed with us. Our default was to nurse to sleep and that had to change, because I had reached zombie status at work.
I read many, many, MANY articles on sleep training methods - cry it out, no cry, minimal cry, comfort, etc. Cry it out is not for us, absolutely not, however I don't think it is possible to avoid crying all together. We can't control her naps or schedule during the day at daycare so we try and keep things as consistent as possible in the afternoon.
Our "process"-
- Playtime, floor time, practice scooting, standing, and sitting
- Dinner time (starting solids mini post coming soon!)
- Bath time otherwise known as "daddy time", I'm not sure if R loves it but I think it's his thing
- Bedtime story and quiet time
- Either she gets a bottle or we nurse and then it's off to sleep
That's the easy part. She has learned to take some comfort from dad in the form of rocking and bouncing. Now when she wakes up we let her cry for about 3-5 minutes and very occasionally she will put herself back to sleep. Then we go in and make a "shhh" sound while rubbing her tummy and chest for comfort. After another 3-5 min if she is still upset or if she gets uncontrollable (with the screaming) then we start all over again with some rocking, bouncing, or nursing. She still wakes up twice at night to feed which is fine with me. Once we get her back to sleep we try and put her back in the bassinet. So far we do this process several times a night and she is sleeping for longer periods on her own!
Things that we find helpful:
- using a humidifer, it prevent stuffiness so she doesn't wake up unable to breathe
- warming her bed and blanket with a heating pad and removing it before we lay her down
- A Miracle blanket, it's a swaddle that she can't break out of. We don't use it on her legs in favor of footed pjs.
- Prayer
I'm not sure if this is part of a developmental milestone, teething, or the beginnings of separation anxiety but I'm hoping we can help her through this hurdle. For now, some nights are better than others but we are surviving.
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Grandparents Day 2015
This month we celebrated our first ever Grandparent's Day and it was a success! Grandma, Grammy, and Pappy met us for church and a yummy Mexican lunch. Ava Rose was pumped to have an entourage! And of course she doled out snuggles like it was her job.
I love doing little art projects with her and we enjoyed making cards for each grandparent that contained a sweet photo of her. She was such a wiggle worm and her attention span is zilch, it was an absolute miracle that I was able to get her to sit still enough to do this.
My little Picasso!
This is the picture we decided to include in their cards, I tried not to share it hoping to keep it a secret until Grandparents Day but of course the photographer thought it was cute enough to feature on her social media so it wasn't a complete surprise. I was flattered that she chose it though.
And I snapped a shot of her giving her card to Grandma before church.
And just as an aside, my baby girl is no fair weather fan, she will support her pirates through the good weeks and the bad ones. Aarrgghhh!
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