Ava Rose had a blast her first Halloween starting with a Fall Celebration in her class with pumpkin painting and a "bear hunt". We also took part in the town festivities - trick or treating in the downtown area businesses and fun in the park. Baby girl took a quick nap while we strolled and was ready for some camera action with her entourage - mama, daddy, grammy, pappy, and grandma. Our 2015 costumes - Mama Cat and her Kitten and I got a crash course in making tutus, a useful skill for girl moms.

Saturday, October 31, 2015
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Six month Professional Photos
We celebrated Ava Rose's half birthday with a photo shoot. I love getting professional photos of her first year and I'm so glad that our photographer offered a package that lets us capture all these sweet memories. She was so happy the morning of the shoot and cooperated with Jasmeen, the resulting images are stunning!
Sunday, October 4, 2015
Ava Rose at 6 Months...
Happy Half Birthday Nugget, Immaneedsometissues...
Six month facts:
- We still put everything in that mouth, especially toes, she is obsessed with her feet
- No teeth yet but she's a drooly duck
- Rolling belly to back
- Sits with minimal assistance
- Loves books - cloth, board, plastic, and electronic. We read paper page books too but I have to hold them a safe distance away from her grasp
- She scoots short distances but usually needs me to sit behind her so she can "kick off" my leg or hand
- Misses us during the day and is obviously happy and clingy when we pick her up at daycare
- She loves her daycare teachers and gives them big smiles every morning
- September she learned about apples, trees, triangles and the color green during daycare
- She loves to stand up
Nicknames - all the ones I shared last month with one addition Rootie toot toot but most commonly bunnyrose or a variation of Nugget
Weight: 13 pounds
Length: 25 inches
Eyes - brown with green flecks, I call it hazel
Clothes - 3-6 month and thanks to both grandmas we are set for Fall. My guess is that we will be in this size for at least another month
Diapers - size 2, R still doesn't think they fit quite as well but we sized up to prevent blow outs
Sleeping - Well some weeks are better than others. Some nights are better than others. We can sleep 5-7 hours some nights and others we wake up every 3 so it's a toss of the coin. This month is significantly better than last month though.
Likes: hands and feet, being held and carried, practicing standing and drinking from a cup, being fed with a spoon, knocking over towers built with blocks, "scooting", bathtime, to pull mommy's hair
Dislikes: being alone, anything after 8pm, carrots, and missed naps
Feeding: 4 ounces every 3 hours and one meal in the evening oatmeal and a fruit or vegetable. We will likely go to 2 or 3 feedings a day soon but for now it's just for practice.
Ava's Favorites - Little Blue Truck Farm board book, Bunnies by the Bay lovie, Miracle Blanket, her cousins, num num spoon, playtex starter cup,
Milestones - Sitting with minimal assistance, standing with minimal assistance, getting in the crawling position and "hopping" and "scooting" along the floor, reaching for toys, trying solids for the first time, using a cup, using a straw, first parade, first trip to the pool, talking all the time, deep belly laughs, first child's birthday party
Postpartum- My hair loss is slowing, I still lose some when I wash and blow dry but it's coming back, I have visible new growth in my hair line. I'm feeling a bit more confident in my ability to balance work and life (this is taking longer than I thought) and R and I have hit a groove most afternoons. Part of my growing confidence is how happy I am with her new child care center, I like her teachers and I haven't picked her up once when she was crying. I've gotten so used to my pump schedule it's second nature, the only one I really hate is the middle of the night if she doesn't wake up to eat. It's lonely pumping at 2am. I'm trying to get more physical activity in my day but scheduling exercise is just not a big priority right now so I'm giving myself grace. I still have about 10 pounds to lose but there are a lot of women that hold onto weight until after they stop breast feeding so I'm not worried about it. I have my six month OB follow up this month and then I'm clear for a year.
I can't believe it's been 6 months since I gave birth, it feels like only a few weeks ago. I look at pictures of her and it's amazing how different she looks. She is developing such a sweet, loving personality and she's full of sass which I love! My girl has a strong will and is fighting for her independence - I think we will be mobile very soon.
Friday, October 2, 2015
Five on Friday
I haven't participated in a weekly link up in a long, long time. And to be up front, I don't think I'll be participating every week. I just can't make those kinds of commitments but this week I have Friday off so I don't mind staying up a bit late.
Here's my hodge podge...
An Open Letter to My Friends Who Don't Have Kids
This huffpost link is so very true. I miss my friends, sometimes I miss my old life but I would not, absolutely could not give up what I have now. This isn't just addressed to friends without kids but also to those who have older children and are in a different groove. Being a mommy is my very favorite thing, in fact I burst into tears on three different occasions yesterday just because I missed my baby. However, I hope my friends don't give up on me while I make this transition, I won't always be so busy and my child won't always go to bed at 7 pm, but for now this is life. I'm struggling to come up for air between work, baby, and nursing...in fact I've asked my husband to slow down on making weekend plans. It's great to be social but it's also nice to have time set aside to be at home with Ava since we spend so much time away from her during the week.
Whew, now that the heavy stuff is over we can get to the fun four
Bobeau asymmetrical sweater
I own it in black and I love how super flattering it is, bonus, it makes me look taller.
Covered Goods
Ha! Notice a theme of "tops easy for breastfeeding", I love this scarf because it works as a grocery cart cover, a carseat cover, and a full coverage breastfeeding wrap.
I own two covers and this is by far my favorite. It's super light weight and perfect for nursing even in hot weather.
These cookies, I haven't made them, yet. But look at them, cinnamon icing plus pumpkin goodness!
This pin had me at "hello", I'd like a set of these to decorate our entryway. R and I went to a local craft fair a couple of weekends ago and saw several sets for sale. I know my handy hubby could whip a few up in just a few hours.
You know the drill, share and share alike.
Here's my hodge podge...
An Open Letter to My Friends Who Don't Have Kids
This huffpost link is so very true. I miss my friends, sometimes I miss my old life but I would not, absolutely could not give up what I have now. This isn't just addressed to friends without kids but also to those who have older children and are in a different groove. Being a mommy is my very favorite thing, in fact I burst into tears on three different occasions yesterday just because I missed my baby. However, I hope my friends don't give up on me while I make this transition, I won't always be so busy and my child won't always go to bed at 7 pm, but for now this is life. I'm struggling to come up for air between work, baby, and nursing...in fact I've asked my husband to slow down on making weekend plans. It's great to be social but it's also nice to have time set aside to be at home with Ava since we spend so much time away from her during the week.
Whew, now that the heavy stuff is over we can get to the fun four
Bobeau asymmetrical sweater
I own it in black and I love how super flattering it is, bonus, it makes me look taller.
Covered Goods
Ha! Notice a theme of "tops easy for breastfeeding", I love this scarf because it works as a grocery cart cover, a carseat cover, and a full coverage breastfeeding wrap.
I own two covers and this is by far my favorite. It's super light weight and perfect for nursing even in hot weather.
These cookies, I haven't made them, yet. But look at them, cinnamon icing plus pumpkin goodness!
This pin had me at "hello", I'd like a set of these to decorate our entryway. R and I went to a local craft fair a couple of weekends ago and saw several sets for sale. I know my handy hubby could whip a few up in just a few hours.
You know the drill, share and share alike.
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